
What Is In Jello That Makes Nails Grow

Family Savvy asked a dermatologist if the merits that gelatin used for long, stiff nails was fact or fiction; here is her response.

gelatin for long strong nails fact or fiction?

Dr. Jo Herzog  discusses whether gelatin makes nails grow stronger and longer in response to the post-obit question from a Family Savvy reader.

Gelatin for Long, Strong Nails: Fact or Fiction?

QUESTION: Dr. Jo, my friend insists that her long, stiff nails are due to the gelatin supplement that she drinks every mean solar day. Is this fact or ficition? Her nails are lovely, just is information technology gelatin or good genes?

gelatin for long strong nails fact or fiction?
Dr. Jo Herzog

Howdy, this is a question that I get asked often by my patients who take heard this claim for years.

Gelatin for long, strong nails? I incertitude it. I think that eating or drinking gelatin for long, hard nails is more fiction than fact.

Many years ago, the Knox family developed and promoted the utilize of granulated gelatin. When they promoted the utilize of their gelatin, they advertised information technology almost like  a nutritional supplement to strengthen nails.

Gelatin was made from animal by-products, and many believed that these would help make those that ingested them accept strong nails, similar animals had strong hoofs. I don't call back that there was ever any scientific evidence to prove this, and information technology is not believed to exist true today.

Our nails are made of keratin, and ingesting animate being collagen will not strengthen them. However, in that location are things that we tin practice to have stronger nails.

Nearly damage to nails comes from outside sources, non actually from our diet. If we have a reasonably healthy diet, it should be enough to support our nails. How we treat our nails throughout the day is the most important factor in how long and strong they volition be.

Having our hands in chemicals and water for long periods of time will make nails dry out, brittle, and prone to splitting and swell. We need to care for our nails like we care for our skin and trap in the wet with good moisturizers. Those with lanolin and alpha hydroxy acids usually do well with the nails. Utilise gloves if you will exist in water or chemicals for a long period of fourth dimension. After bathing or washing dishes, attempt to think to moisturize your nails similar you do your hands.

Every bit for jello…if yous like it, eat it anyhow. Sugar complimentary jello is a bang-up dessert with very few calories. I would love some right now, with whipped foam, of course (and then much for the calories).

Promise this helps. If you accept more questions, transport them my way.

Dr. Jo

Hi, it'due south Jamie again! I am so thankful to Dr. Herzog for setting the tape directly on gelatin and nails. I particularly love her tips for the REAL fashion to go on nails strong.

I follow Dr. Jo'southward advice on moisturizer (I slather it on after every paw washing) and gloves (I keep 2 kinds for kitchen use). Below are the products that I have used/nonetheless use and recommend.

I hope this helps! If y'all want to hear of a savvy way that I utilize gelatin (for my hair), you tin read about it in this post.

Every bit always, thanks so much for stopping by. Exist blessed, and stay savvy!!!!


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